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Featuring organic soap made the old fashioned way with upcycled handmade seed paper beneficial to honeybees


*Handmade in the Pacific Northwest*


Organic and Natural ingredients nourishing for your body and better for the environment!

The story of Lemonbuzzzsoap

Ode to the bees

What started out as a tiny garden bed in Tacoma, eventually blossomed into our small family farm in Centralia, Washington. In 2014 I was gifted a soap making kit from a friend. Since gardening season was winding down for me, making soap just seemed like the perfect way to fill that void. After my first successful batch cured our family began using it and I started gifting it to friends & neighbors. My recipes began to include herbs from my garden, beer, and much more. It must of been good stuff, because I started to get requests for more soap. My three year old son decided we should call it "lemonbuzzz", so the name was born and so was the cause. Since my husband had just became a beekeeper that same year, our love for honey bees grew immensely. I was often seen running to spider webs to save trapped honey bees from becoming spider food. My husband was even stung in the face a few times and has had some horrible allergic reactions! But our garden was better than ever. Sadly, 3 out of our 3 hives were lost that year! It was a serious wake up call to the reality of colony collapse. We learned a lot our first year bringing honey bees to our urban farm and this is what inspired me to use bee friendly seed paper with most of my line! A portion of my proceeds goes to help Honeylove, a non profit working to save the bees. I hope you will enjoy:)

If you look really close you will surely see, a lot is at stake regarding the honey bee.

Flying many miles to help things grow, the little honey bee, the hardest worker I know!

by Mrs. Lemonbuzzz

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